Questions and discussions about the software that runs on the TD RF module itself.
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program hanging if I move the TD1205P before it starts up

by escalanterj Mon Jun 12, 2017 11:34 pm


Does anybody know why if I move my module before it starts completely, it hangs?


* @file
* @brief Simple GPS periodic fix application for the TDxxxx RF modules.
* @author Telecom Design S.A.
* @version 1.1.0
* @section License
* <b>(C) Copyright 2014-2015 Telecom Design S.A.,</b>
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* obligation to support this Software. Telecom Design SA is providing the
* Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind,
* including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability
* or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement
* of any proprietary rights of a third party.
* Telecom Design SA will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or
* special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party,
* arising from your use of this Software.

#include "config.h"

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <efm32.h>

#include <td_core.h>
#include <td_uart.h>
#include <td_printf.h>
#include <td_stream.h>
#include <td_flash.h>
#include <td_scheduler.h>
#include <td_watchdog.h>
#include <td_gpio.h>
#include <td_utils.h>
#include <td_measure.h>

#include <td_sensor.h>
#include <sensor_data_geoloc.h>

#include <td_accelero.h>
#include <td_geoloc.h>
#include <td_sigfox.h>

#include <td_config.h>

****************************** DEFINES ****************************

/** Flash variable version ID */

// Interval at which position is reported (in seconds)
#define FIX_INTERVAL 1*900 // Send a Sigfox message every 1 hour

/** Acceptable minimum horizontal accuracy, 800 to be very accurate */
#define FIX_HDOP 800

/** Boot monitoring, 1 to enable */

/** Keepalive monitoring interval in hours, 0 to disable
* If you wish to send a keepalive frame remember to add a scheduler as well in the setup function */

#define DEBUG_USE_PRINTF 1 //trace on serial
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) tfp_printf(__VA_ARGS__);
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(...)

TD_GEOLOC_Fix_t CurrentGPSPosition;
int timeout;
//tfp_printf("The value of timeout is: %d\r\n", timeout);

uint8_t fixIntervalSchedulerId;

//Configure the downlink request every maxCounter sigfox message
int downlinkCounter;
int downlinkMaxCounter;
bool encrypt = false;
int gpsSleepMode = TD_GEOLOC_OFF;
int precision = TD_GEOLOC_2D_FIX;

****************************** GLOBAL FUNCTIONS ****************************

void encryption(uint8_t * bytes, uint8_t * cryptMessage, int size){

//Here you can insert your own encryption method - This function does nothing

int i=0;

cryptMessage[i] = bytes[i];

* @brief
* GPS fix callback
* @param[in] fix
* The GPS fix data structure.
* @param[in] timeout
* Flag that indicates whether a timeout occurred if set to true.
static void GPSFix(TD_GEOLOC_Fix_t * fix, bool timeout)
int i;

tfp_printf("I'm in GPSFix \r\n");
uint8_t bytes[12];
uint8_t cryptMessage[12];
uint8_t timeoutMessage[1];

unsigned long latitude, longitude;
char latitude_direction, longitude_direction;
int hdop, nbSat, acqTime, speed, size;

//Message init - Set to zero not to get random unwanted values
bytes[i] = 0x00;
tfp_printf("the variable 'i' of the 1st for in static void GPSFix is: %d\r\n",i);

if (fix->type >= precision && fix->hard.rtc_calibrated) {
uint32_t mv = TD_MEASURE_VoltageTemperatureExtended(false);

DEBUG_PRINTF("Voltage: %d\r\n", mv);
DEBUG_PRINTF("Lat: %d - %08lX\r\n", fix->position.latitude, fix->position.latitude);
DEBUG_PRINTF("Long: %d - %08lX\r\n", fix->position.longitude, fix->position.longitude);
DEBUG_PRINTF("Hdop: %d \r\n", fix->quality.hdop);
DEBUG_PRINTF("nb sat: %d \r\n", fix->quality.sat);
DEBUG_PRINTF("acquisition time: %d \r\n", fix->duration);
DEBUG_PRINTF("speed: %d \r\n", fix->speed.speed_kmh);

tfp_printf("I'm inside the 1st IF of static void GPSFix function\r\n");

//Stop GPS

//Now we add the received data in the bytes array:

//Hint: divide the return value by 10 will make it understandable by Sigfox backend
if (fix->position.latitude < 0) {
latitude = (int32_t)(-1)* ((int32_t)fix->position.latitude / 10) ;
latitude_direction = 'S';
latitude = latitude| 0x80000000;
} else {
latitude = fix->position.latitude / 10;
latitude_direction = 'N';
bytes[0] = (latitude >> 24) & 0xFF;
bytes[1] = (latitude >> 16) & 0xFF;
bytes[2] = (latitude >> 8) & 0xFF;
bytes[3] = latitude & 0xFF;

if (fix->position.longitude < 0) {
longitude = (int32_t)(-1)* ((int32_t)fix->position.longitude / 10) ;
longitude_direction = 'W';
longitude = longitude| 0x80000000;
} else {
longitude = fix->position.longitude / 10;
longitude_direction = 'E';
bytes[4] = (longitude >> 24) & 0xFF;
bytes[5] = (longitude >> 16) & 0xFF;
bytes[6] = (longitude >> 8) & 0xFF;
bytes[7] = longitude & 0xFF;

for(i=0; i<255; i++){
if(mv>=i*15 && mv<=(i+1)*15){
bytes[8] = bytes[8] | i;
}else if(mv>3825){
bytes[8] = bytes[8] | 0xFF;

* On the byte 9, we will encode both quality (hdop) and number of satellites
* h h s s (h for hdop and s for the number of satellites)
* Byte : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
hdop = fix->quality.hdop / 100;
if(hdop > 5){
//Set the 2 first bits to 3
bytes[9] = 0xC0;
} else if(hdop >= 2 && hdop <=5){
//Set the 2 first bits to 2
bytes[9] = 0x80;
} else if(hdop >= 1 && hdop <2){
//Set the 2 first bits to 1
bytes[9] = 0x04;

//Satellites number
nbSat = fix->quality.sat;
if(nbSat >=8){
bytes[9] = bytes[9] | 0x30;
}else if(nbSat >=6 && nbSat <= 8){
bytes[9] = bytes[9] | 0x20;
}else if(nbSat >=4 && nbSat <= 6){
bytes[9] = bytes[9] | 0x10;

//Acquisition time
* On the byte 10, we will encode both acquisition (a) time and the speed (s)
* a a a a s s s s
* Byte : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
uint8_t mask;
acqTime = fix->duration;
for(i=0; i<15; i++){
if(acqTime>=i*5 && acqTime<=(i+1)*5){
mask = i << 4 ;
bytes[10] = bytes[10] | mask;
}else if(acqTime>75){
bytes[10] = bytes[10] | 0xF0;

speed = fix->speed.speed_kmh;
for(i=0; i<15; i++){
if(speed>=i*5 && speed<=(i+1)*5){
bytes[10] = bytes[10] | i;
}else if(speed>75){
bytes[10] = bytes[10] | 0x0F;

size = sizeof(bytes)/sizeof(bytes[0]);
DEBUG_PRINTF("bytes[%d]: %x\r\n", i, bytes[i]);
//encryption(&bytes, &cryptMessage, size);
DEBUG_PRINTF("crypt[%d]: %x\r\n", i, cryptMessage[i]);

//Send data
* If downlinkMaxCounter is reached, send a downlink request with the sigfox message
//DEBUG_PRINTF("Downlink counter: %d / %d\r\n", downlinkCounter, downlinkMaxCounter);
if(downlinkCounter >= downlinkMaxCounter){
TD_SIGFOX_SendV1(MODE_FRAME, false,encrypt?cryptMessage:bytes, size, 2, true, false);
downlinkCounter = 0;
TD_SIGFOX_Send(encrypt?cryptMessage:bytes, size, 2);

} else if (timeout) {
//If no GPS fix has been found, we still send the voltage
uint32_t mv = TD_MEASURE_VoltageTemperatureExtended(false);
DEBUG_PRINTF("Voltage: %d\r\n", mv);
for(i=0; i<255; i++){
if(mv>=i*15 && mv<=(i+1)*15){
timeoutMessage[0] = timeoutMessage[0] | i;
}else if(mv>3825){
timeoutMessage[0] = timeoutMessage[0] | 0xFF;
//Set the device in its sleep mode
DEBUG_PRINTF("device set to sleep mode\r\n");
DEBUG_PRINTF("Fix Timeout\r\n");
DEBUG_PRINTF("Time: %d \r\n", fix->duration);
DEBUG_PRINTF("Downlink counter: %d / %d\r\n", downlinkCounter, downlinkMaxCounter);
if(downlinkCounter >= downlinkMaxCounter){
TD_SIGFOX_SendV1(MODE_FRAME, false, timeoutMessage, 1, 2, true, false);
downlinkCounter = 0;
TD_SIGFOX_Send((uint8_t *) timeoutMessage, 1, 2);


* @brief
* Call-back function for SIGFOX downlink.
* @param[in] rx_frame
* Pointer to the received frame or null if timeout occurred.
* @param[in] length
* Length in bytes of the received frame.
* @return
* Returns the buffer length if OK, -1 if an error occurred.
static int DownlinkCallback(uint8_t *rx_frame, uint8_t length)
int i;
int fixInterval;
if (rx_frame == 0) {
// Finished receiving
// Done
return 1;
} else {
if (length == 0) {
// Start receiving
// Done
return 1;
// Received one good frame
tfp_dump("RX=", rx_frame, length);
DEBUG_PRINTF("rx_frame: %d - %x - %s\r\n", rx_frame, rx_frame, rx_frame);
DEBUG_PRINTF("rx_frame[%d]: %x - %d\r\n", i, rx_frame[i], rx_frame[i]);


//Here is the GPS timeout value meaning the maximum time you will try to get a GPS fix
timeout = rx_frame[0];
DEBUG_PRINTF("timeout: %d (in seconds)\r\n", timeout);

//The fixInterval (in hours) is the time interval to send a message
fixInterval = rx_frame[1];
if(fixInterval>3 && fixInterval<48){
DEBUG_PRINTF("fixInterval: %d (in hours)\r\n", fixInterval);
TD_SCHEDULER_SetInterval(fixIntervalSchedulerId, fixInterval * 3600,0,0);
gpsSleepMode = TD_GEOLOC_OFF;
if(fixInterval>0 && fixInterval<=3){
DEBUG_PRINTF("fixInterval: %d (in hours)\r\n", fixInterval);
TD_SCHEDULER_SetInterval(fixIntervalSchedulerId, fixInterval * 3600,0,0);
gpsSleepMode = TD_GEOLOC_HW_BCKP;

//you can add restriction for the max number of uplink to occur before requesting a downlink here
//When 255, it will always be true
//You can easily calculate the interval time for downlinks doing '(fixInterval * downlinkMaxCounter) + 1'
downlinkMaxCounter = rx_frame[2];
DEBUG_PRINTF("downlinkMaxCounter: %d (in hours)\r\n", downlinkMaxCounter);

// Done
return 1;


* @brief
* Start fixing periodically.
* @param[in] arg
* Generic argument set by the user that is passed along to the callback
* function.
* @param[in] repeat_count
* Updated repeat count, decremented at each timer trigger, unless it is an
* infinite timer.
static void StartFixing(uint32_t arg, uint8_t repeat_count)
DEBUG_PRINTF("Start fixing\r\n");

* @brief
* User Setup function.
void TD_USER_Setup(void)
TD_UART_Options_t options = {LEUART_DEVICE, LEUART_LOCATION, 9600, 8, 'N',
1, false};

// Open an I/O stream using LEUART0
TD_UART_Open(&options, TD_STREAM_RDWR);

// Use a 64 s automatic watchdog
TD_WATCHDOG_Enable(true, true);

// Geoloc and accelerometer initialization

tfp_printf("Initialization of GPS and Accelerometer\r\n");

//Fix timeout
timeout = 60;

//Init downlink counter
downlinkCounter = 0;
//Once every x uplink
downlinkMaxCounter = 23; //One downlink every day


// Will only send a boot monitor frame on NEXT reboot
TD_SENSOR_MonitorBoot(true, 0);


// Send a keep-alive frame immediately, then at given interval

// Start fixing right now
StartFixing(0, 0);

// Start the fix infinite timer
fixIntervalSchedulerId = TD_SCHEDULER_Append(FIX_INTERVAL, 0, 0, TD_SCHEDULER_INFINITE, StartFixing, 0);


* @brief
* User loop function.
void TD_USER_Loop(void)

tfp_printf("I'm in void TD_USER_Loop\r\n");
// Process Sensor events


// Process geoloc events

// Process downlink events


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